Prof. Olexiy Haran

Research Advisor, Professor of Politics

Research Director of the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Professor of Comparative Politics at the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy

Expert latest

Ukraine does not support terrorism in Africa, says political expert Olexiy Haran

“It is not Ukraine that is destabilising Africa; it is Russia and Wagner is having a devastating effect across many parts of the continent”...
25 August 2024

Guerra na Ucrânia: Rússia ameaça os EUA depois de bombardeio à Crimeia

Petro Burkovsky e Oleksiy Haran comentaram com o Correio Braziliense sobre qual poderia ser a resposta da Rússia ao bombardeio de Sevastopol
26 June 2024

Ukrainian Parliament Dismisses Deputy PM and Agriculture Minister | Olexiy Haran

Oleksiy Haran comments on the dismissal of two Ukrainian ministers
18 May 2024

Ukraine's historic links with freedom for people in SA

Oleksiy Haran drew a unique parallel between between South Africa's fight for freedom from apartheid, and Ukraine's current fight for sovere...
24 April 2024

From Underdogs to Masters of Modern Warfare: The Transformation of Ukrainian Nationalist Movements

Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies has published a study on the transformation of nationalist movements into military formations, a...
11 March 2024

Democracy at war: what Ukrainians think

The democratic regime, developed civil society, so-called horizontal ties and a sense of solidarity helped Ukrainians successfully resist.
9 December 2023

Civil society leaders seek SA’s support to end war crimes

A delegation of Ukraine's civil society leaders arrived in SA for a series of meetings this week. They are looking to garner support from th...
27 November 2023

Olexi Haran at the panel "Global Left on Global War" 16.10.23

Speech by Professor Oleksiy Haran at the Conference "CRIMEA GLOBAL. UNDERSTANDING UKRAINE THROUGH THE SOUTH"
1 November 2023

The impact of the war in the Middle East on support for Ukraine | Olexiy Haran

Oleksiy Haran commented on the latest talks in Malta, which were dedicated to Kyiv's peace plan
1 November 2023

Putin wants to rebuild the Russian Empire’ — Ukrainian scholar Olexiy Haran dissects the roots of the war in Europe

‘To them, we are not Ukrainians. We are little Russians.’ This is how a Ukrainian scholar describes the deep, historic roots of the war in E...
11 October 2023