Expert latest

Ukraine – EU Relations: Looking Beyond the Horizon. How do we see the future of European integration?

Position Paper
26 September 2018

Seminar at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment

Olexiy Haran participated in the seminar “The Future of Russian-Ukrainian Relations” held in Oslo.
14 September 2018

Rebel leader of Donetsk killed

Prof. Olexiy Haran on the death of Zakharchenko, Russian aggression in the Donbas and the future of Minsk agreements.
9 September 2018

27 Years of Independence: Ukraine's Achievements and Failures in the Political Dimension

Oleksiy Garan about the greatest achievements and failures of Ukraine in the political dimension.
27 August 2018

What Are Ukrainians Thinking About? Professor Haran Explains

Polls show Ukrainians are hopeful and concerned: professor Haran on public opinion trends
13 August 2018

The idea of introducing peacekeepers to the Donbas: Do people in the controlled territories want it?

17% of Ukrainians believe that the authorities of Ukraine should officially recognize the territories as occupied.
23 July 2018

Oleхiy Haran and Petro Burkovsky in: Russian-American Relations Since the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

PONARS Eurasia policy perspectives
16 July 2018

Outcomes of Putin's Diplomatic Meeting with Macron

Oleksiy Haran joined UATV to discuss this diplomatic visit, and relations between the West and Russia as well.
29 May 2018

Kyjev povoľuje ľuďom z Donbasu nákupy na svojom území aj napriek hospodárskej blokáde

Tisíce ľudí prekračujú deliacu líniu, aby si tu nakúpili potraviny a spotrebný tovar.
13 April 2018

Politológ: Cesta k mieru na Donbase vedie cez väčší tlak na Rusko

Oleksij Haraň: EÚ by malo presadzovať zachovanie protiruských sankcií, keďže priamo súvisia s implementáciou dohôd z Minska.
12 April 2018