
Publication year

Why Russia fights like ISIS and how to de-Putinize liberated youth ІІ Omar Ashour

Security scholar Omar Ashour explains how Russian tactics in Ukraine parallel terrorist extremist strategies
15 December 2023

The big problem is to ensure the EU's commitment to maintain economic and military aid by 2024 ІІ Petro Burkovskiy

Ukraine's President meets with Biden in hopes of unlocking a $60 billion aid package. Petro Burkovsky explains in a commentary what difficul...
12 December 2023

How can Ukraine reach out to the Global South? || Omar Ashour

Omar Ashour explained why Ukraine should reach out to the countries of the Global South and find ways of cooperation in a commentary to the...
8 December 2023

The government must preserve unity and cohesion between the military and civilian leaders

Petro Burkovskyi commented on the tensions between Ukrainian leaders for Le Monde
7 December 2023

Political Frictions Unsettle Ukraine as It Seeks More Military Support

Oleksiy Haran and Petro Burkovskiy commented for the New York Times on the tensions between Ukrainian leaders
7 December 2023

What does Ukraine need to win? What must the West do to help? Discussion with Dr. Omar Ashour

Dr. Omar Ashour on what Ukraine needs to win, what the West should do to help, and how Putin is using the situation in the Middle East to ga...
30 November 2023

Why Ukraine needs the the Global South? || Omar Ashour

Omar Ashar's speech at the Ukrainian Central European Forum
20 November 2023

Rusia frena la ofensiva de Ucrania y pasa al ataque

Commentary by Petro Burkovskiy to the Spanish newspaper El País
31 October 2023

Ukraine hopes to capture Tokmak by the end of the year

Petro Burkovskiy commented on the situation at the front in an interview for Phoenix TV
11 October 2023

Ukrainian think tank: China's restrictions on drone exports have caused a supply gap for the Ukrainian army

Petro Burkovskiy, Executive Director of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, gave an exclusive interview to Phoenix TV
11 October 2023

Volodimir Zelenski: de reto en reto en una guerra sin final

El presidente ucraniano afronta excepcionales desafíos en el campo de batalla y en el terreno diplomático. Comentario de Petro Burkovsky par...
7 October 2023

Les Ukrainiens veulent que Volodymyr Zelensky agisse contre la corruption, selon un sondage

"La corruption préoccupe de plus en plus les gens", insiste Petro Burkovskyi, sociologue et responsable du sondage dans La Matinale lundi
26 September 2023