
Publication year

Three Lessons and Three Clues about Putin’s Foreign Policy toward Ukraine and the West

By Olexiy Haran and Petro Burkovskyi
23 February 2022

Ukrainian concerns after Macron – Putin talks

Olexiy Haran, Professor of Comparative Politics at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, explains for France24 the risks of Macron's mediation attempts betwe...
8 February 2022

Can diplomatic talks change the course of events in the Ukraine conflict?

Gravitas Ukraine Direct: WION interviews Petro Burkoskyi & Alexander Khrebet
8 February 2022

Op bezoek bij Oekraïense Mariana die viral ging als 'sniper granny': 'Het enige wat ik wil is mijn eigen huis beschermen'

Democratic and economically resilient Ukraine is an existential threat to Putin's regime
5 February 2022

Ukraine considers Turkey as an important ally in the standoff with Russia

Turkish-Made Drones in Ukraine Pose Challenge for Turkey-Russia Ties
1 February 2022

The Normandy Format is Becoming a Threat to Ukraine

In her op-ed Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Foundations’ analyst, Maria Zolkina sheds light on what happened behind the scenes of the meeting and...
27 January 2022

Meeting between US and Russia over Ukraine security: Petro Burkovskiy

Russia is trying to restore its colonial empire in Europe. Ukraine is determined to defend its territory and statehood - Petro Burkovskyi
26 January 2022

Casa Branca admite que a Rússia pode invadir a Ucrânia a qualquer momento

A situação é classificada como "extremamente perigosa" e Casa Branca envia o secretário de Estado, Antony Blinken, a Genebra para tentar diá...
21 January 2022

Ukraine is really looking forward to military and security assistance from NATO members

Russia has used the talks with the US to try to destroy the trust between the US and the EU, according to Ukrainian political analyst Petro...
17 January 2022

Situation deteriorates – that the West loses control over the negotiations with Russia

Kyiv-based political analyst Petro Burkovskyi said Russian President Vladimir Putin had shown he was ready to defy Western sanctions in the...
17 January 2022

US and Russia still at odds after talks over Ukraine tensions

Russia and US discuss Ukraine frictions and European security at talks in Geneva with no sign the two sides had narrowed their differences.
17 January 2022

Ukrainians wait as Russia faces off with the West

Sometimes it looks a bit like a diplomatic version of "does he take sugar?"
12 January 2022