
Publication year

Auswirkungen der Coronavirus-Pandemie und ihre sozio-ökonomischen Folgen in den nicht von der ukrainischen Regierung kontrollierten Gebieten der Regionen Donezk und Luhansk

Von Petro Burkovskyi (Stiftung Demokratische Initiativen, Kyjiw)
15 February 2022

Russia puts transat­lantic unity and secu­rity in Europe to the test

Putin uses bilat­eral nego­ti­a­tions with the White House to under­mine trust between the Amer­i­can and Euro­pean gov­ern­ments.
24 January 2022

Ukrainian public opinion toward Russia and war in the east of Ukraine

Recent changes and long-term trends
17 January 2022

Language, religious affiliation, and geopolitical beliefs: the sociocultural foundations of the anti-vax attitudes among Ukrainians

Oleksandr Reznik on the sociocultural foundations of the anti-vax attitudes popular among Ukrainians
29 November 2021

Wie hat sich die Ukraine seit der Unabhängigkeit entwickelt?

Von Olexiy Haran
15 November 2021

Building trust in and preventing the radicalization of rural communities during the implementation of land reforms

Executive Summary
30 September 2021

The limits of compromise for Biden & Putin: Ukrainians’ views of the future of occupied Crimea and Donbas

Public sentiment has always been a reference for the Ukrainian authorities when conducting negotiations and settlement talks with Russia. Th...
16 June 2021

Assessment of vulnerability and resilience of residents of southern and eastern regions of Ukraine

On the other side of the screen: An analysis of media consumption and disinformation in the Ukraine’s information environment
12 May 2021

Policy Towards Occupied Donbas in the Public Opinion of Ukrainians

The geopolitical orientations and linguistic identities of the Ukrainian citizens who have chosen different policy options regarding the occ...
6 May 2021

Everything about Yermak's new plan: what the Normandy Format proposes to update the Minsk agreements

'Key Clusters for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements' is the name of a new document that the Normandy Four is developing on the pro...
29 March 2021

One-on-one with Putin: What are the dangers of Zelensky's new Normandy Format initiatives

After several months of relative calm in the negotiations on Donbas, the concentration of news has increased dramatically in recent days. Wh...
26 March 2021

The perception of governmental reforms by Ukrainians: sociodemographic factors

The study determines the perception of reforms by the Ukrainian
12 January 2021