
Publication year

Petro Poroshenko’s Block and Oleh Liashko’s Radical Party are leading the electoral race. “People’s Front” and “Self-Help” also enter parliament

22 October 2014

Donbas poll finds support for united Ukraine

September polling shows weak support for separation and that more people want to be citizens of a united Ukraine.
20 October 2014

Donbas poll finds support for united Ukraine

September polling shows weak support for separation and that more people want to be citizens of a united Ukraine.
20 October 2014

Ukraine-2014: new reality

14 October 2014

Majority of Russians wants to see Donbas an independent state, but much less willing to accept it as a part of the Russian Federation, all the while denying their responsibility for the bloodshed and deaths in Eastern Ukraine

7 October 2014

'A Ukraine Peace Plan That Excludes Ukrainians Is Unacceptable'

A response to the Boistö Group's 24-step agenda for resolving the crisis.
3 September 2014

'A Ukraine Peace Plan That Excludes Ukrainians Is Unacceptable'

A response to the Boistö Group's 24-step agenda for resolving the crisis.
3 September 2014

As Russians’ Enthusiasm for Crimea’s Annexation Wanes, Kremlin Prepares to Combat Demonstrations

2 September 2014

Only 5% in Ukraine's southeast concerned at Russian TV channels cutoff, poll finds

28 April 2014

Separatist feelings are widespread in Ukrainian society

"Separatist feelings don't constitute a tendency in Ukrainian society and are NOT supported by absolute majority of population" - Iryna Beke...
11 April 2014

Separatist feelings are widespread in Ukrainian society

"Separatist feelings don't constitute a tendency in Ukrainian society and are NOT supported by absolute majority of population" - Iryna...
11 April 2014

EuroMaidan stats

A Fund "Democratic initiatives" has made a sociological survey of Euromaidan participants, they have interviewed 1037 respondents (375 - on...
12 December 2013