
Publication year

The wheels are coming off Ukrainian anti-corruption reform efforts

Haran said a “weakened” Zelensky will likely have a tougher time mobilizing support for his policy proposals.
7 November 2020

Not taking sides

The important thing for Ukraine is, we can't take sides in who should be the next U.S. president.
2 November 2020

Local elections in Ukraine

Overview by Olexiy Haran on recent local elections in Ukraine
31 October 2020

Olexiy Haran: Voter turnout and Zelensky’s poll

Why the local elections saw record low voter turnout
31 October 2020

Oleksiy Haran: “Some things are unacceptable”

Fokin’s appearance, his scandalous statements, and his quick resignation are just symptoms of deeper problems
8 October 2020

Why European integration is important for President Zelenskyi?

Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels
8 October 2020

Lviv mayor Sadovyi runs for fourth term, faces strong opposition

There’s a real battle for Lviv
5 October 2020

Will Belarus follow Ukraine out of the Russian orbit?

Taras Kuzio refers to DIF poll which showed "widespread acceptance of Russian-speaking Ukrainian patriotism" in his commentary for UkraineAl...
14 September 2020

As Belarus protests, Ukraine’s civil society reacts - with solidarity

Oleksiy Haran shared his observations of the Belarusian protests.
4 September 2020

Prof. Olexiy Haran on the war in Donbas: if the ceasefire works, what political concessions would Putin like to get from it? Video

Oleksiy Haran shares his thoughts on the ceasefire that was introduced one more time in the Donbas.
14 August 2020

Are European sanctions on Russia working?

EU extends measures for six months, accusing Moscow of violating Ukraine ceasefire deal.
21 June 2020

Ukraine : l’ancien président dans le viseur de la justice

Plus d’une dizaine d’enquêtes judiciaires visent Petro Porochenko, ravivant la crainte d’une répression politique en Ukraine.
29 May 2020