
Publication year

Qué solución permitirá a Argentina fortalecer su seguridad, ahorrar dinero y detener el genocidio en Ucrania | Olexiy Haran y Petro Burkovskiy

Las lecciones de la última guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia brindan buenas pistas para la modernización de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina
3 August 2023

El Grupo Wagner, listo para más guerras: "Bienvenidos al infierno"

Su capacidad de adaptación, su potencial en otros focos, y los vínculos de su jefe, Yevgueni Prigozhin en África, garantizan de momento su s...
31 July 2023

Ukraine’s Victory. Brief #20

Weekly Review of the Major Events
24 July 2023

Report on adaptation and challenges of IDPs after 12 months of war

All conclusions and recommendations refer to IDPs living in Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv, Uzhhorod and Ternopil at the time of the poll.
17 July 2023

Ukraine’s Victory. Brief #19

Weekly Review of the Major Events
10 July 2023

Petro Burkovskyi: Decoding Prigozhin’s rebellion

Wagner’s mutiny showed minimal requirements for a successful challenger of Putin’s regime and created strong argument in support of Ukraine’...
26 June 2023

Olexiy Haran | What is needed is for Russia to withdraw, not a 'de-escalation on both sides'

Whether the visit of African leaders to Ukraine and Russia will lead to peace or will it be just empty talks that can be used as a smokescre...
23 June 2023

Masking confusion and justifying war crimes. Overview of the Russian media space and military propaganda in May 2023. Part

Petro Burkovskiy
19 June 2023

Ukraine-related agenda for Spain’s presidency in the EU: recommendations from Ukraine

This policy brief presents the main recommendations and expectations of Ukraine from the Madrid EU Presidency
12 June 2023

"The cemetery is a memorial for future generations." Review of the Russian media and military propaganda in May 2023. Part 1

The "atrocities" of the Ukrainian troops, the "victories" of the "Wagnerians" and the encouragement of schoolchildren to serve in the army
8 June 2023

Burkovskyi, Tarasiuk: Do Russian anti-Kremlin insurgents pose a real threat to Putin’s regime?

The Kremlin’s push for a “long war” against Ukraine may have a snowball effect on domestic insurgency within Russia.
6 June 2023

Ukraine’s Victory. Brief #18

Weekly Review of the Major Events
3 June 2023