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31 August 2023

Pelo Gris, el rey del veneno y Lotus, aspirantes a suceder a Prigozhin

According to Petro Burkovsky, Executive Director of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, "The Wagner Group may split into two or three factions. First, a small core of loyalists may attempt to maintain autonomy and secede from the Russian state. They would be willing to serve anyone who would pay in Africa.The second group, supervised by the Defense Ministry, will be sent to Ukraine as part of the Russian Army.And the third, professionals joining the FSB/GRU can stay in Belarus to carry out hybrid missions against Russian adversaries in Europe, Africa or even Latin America".
Read more about who could become Prigozhin's successors in the article "Pelo Gris, el rey del veneno y Lotus, aspirantes a suceder a Prigozhin", published by  EL INDEPENDIENTE .