
Publication year

Ukrainians reject modern Russia’s WWII victory cult as geopolitical divide deepens

A landmark opinion poll identified majority Ukrainian support for the move away from Soviet-style interpretations of World War II.
5 June 2020

Im Donbas ver­traut man immer noch Wolo­dy­myr Selen­skyj, glaubt aber nicht mehr an den „schnel­len Frieden“

Petro Bur­kovs­kyi
20 May 2020

Observations of Public Attitudes in Donbas: Changes After the Elections in 2019, Emerging Risks amid the War and COVID-19 Pandemic

Analytical Report
15 May 2020

Der Tag des Sieges als ein Symptom für den Virus der “rus­si­schen Welt” in der Ukraine

Serhii Schapow­a­low
9 May 2020

Nor­man­die-Format und Tri­la­te­rale Kon­takt­gruppe von Minsk: Kann man die Wege zusam­men­zu­füh­ren?

Mariia Solkina
6 May 2020

Research of the Status of Female Veterans and Services Provided to Them

Final Report
3 May 2020

New threats in Donbas: what ideas is the Kremlin pushing forward at negotiations?

Maria Zolkina
23 April 2020

Success Without Agreement: What Does the Lack of Results of the Minsk Negotiations Mean

Maria Zolkina
9 April 2020

Expectations vs Reality: are the Peaceful Plans of the Authorities Realistic?

It seems that we are on the verge of the Rubicon.
4 April 2020

Ukrainegate: Rudy Giuliani’s new campaign against Joe Biden

Donald Trump’s lawyer has new fixers in Kyiv to help revive claims discredited as conspiracy theory
18 March 2020

Selen­skyj richtet sich in der Kom­fort­zone ein

Von Petro Bur­kovs­kyi
13 March 2020

Fünf Szenarien für die Entwicklung der Lage im Donbas: Was ist von Russland zu erwarten und was kann die Ukraine tun?

Petro Burkovskyi
6 March 2020