[Public Lecture] – One year of Ukrainian War: What does it mean to global security and the Global South?

Перегляди: 3584
23 лютого 2023
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On 21 February, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace  hosted the public lecture on “One year of Ukrainian War: What does it mean to global security and the Global South?” By Dr. Olexiy Haran, Professor of Comparative Politics, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy and Research Director, Democratic Initiatives Foundation. The event was supported by the EU Delegation in Cambodia.

Prof. Haran discussed various aspects of the war, especially the root causes of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from geopolitical perspective and historical ideology which create huge implications globally. He also pointed out consequences of the war, which included the violation of international law, provocation of food and energy insecurity, and negative impacts on nuclear safety. At the end, he expressed appreciation to the West for supporting Ukraine’s struggle for freedom and independence from Russia domination.

There were many interactive questions from audiences asking about the endgame of the war, and the possibility of any peace plan, among others.

Prof. Haran’s powerpoint presentation could be found here.

The record of the event can be found here.

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