
Publication year

The public opinion on NATO and its regional differences in Ukraine

Ruslan Kermach commented the dynamics of NATO support in the regions of Ukraine.
19 September 2018

Tool Against Russia or Protective Alliance? Ukrainians' Knowledge and Opinion about NATO Membership

What do Ukrainians really know about NATO membership and how does this knowledge influence their opinions?
14 September 2018

Over 40% of Ukrainians back accession to NATO, over a third support non-aligned status - poll

More than 40% of Ukrainians support their country's accession to NATO.
12 September 2018

What do Ukrainians Think of Donbas Reintegration?

Maria Zolkina on the issue of reintegrating the currently occupied Donbas regions back to Ukraine.
3 September 2018

27 Years of Independence: Ukraine's Achievements and Failures in the Political Dimension

Oleksiy Garan about the greatest achievements and failures of Ukraine in the political dimension.
27 August 2018

Petro Burkovsky: We need to ask the “Opposition Bloc”, why do they work concurrently with Russia so much?

Burkovsky and Doniy оn the air of the “Radio Donbas. Realities”.
18 July 2018

Olexiy Haran on Electoral Ratings for UkraineWorld

Host Volodymyr Yermolenko (Ukraine World, Internews Ukraine) welcomes to the studio professor Olexiy Haran
14 June 2018

Maria Zolkina on the Normandy Format Achievements

Maria Zolkina talks to UATV about the results that have been already achieved, and expectations from the next meeting.
12 June 2018

Outcomes of Putin's Diplomatic Meeting with Macron

Oleksiy Haran joined UATV to discuss this diplomatic visit, and relations between the West and Russia as well.
29 May 2018

Kyjev povoľuje ľuďom z Donbasu nákupy na svojom území aj napriek hospodárskej blokáde

Tisíce ľudí prekračujú deliacu líniu, aby si tu nakúpili potraviny a spotrebný tovar.
13 April 2018

Politológ: Cesta k mieru na Donbase vedie cez väčší tlak na Rusko

Oleksij Haraň: EÚ by malo presadzovať zachovanie protiruských sankcií, keďže priamo súvisia s implementáciou dohôd z Minska.
12 April 2018

Is Ukraine ready for UN peacekeepers?

Can the United Nations blue berets bring peace to eastern Ukraine? Or are they just a tool in a political game?
16 March 2018