Mariia Zolkina

Head of Regional Security and Conflict Studies at the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science

Taras Zhovtenko

International Security/Defense Analyst

Views: 2194
29 November 2023

Ukraine’s recommendations to Belgium’s Presidency of the Council of the EU: Political and Security Dimension

Belgium is going to hold EU presidence  in crucial times marked by fundamental changes,  challenges but also opportunities  both for Ukraine, European Union and entire international coalition of states supporting Ukraine in its fight against unfair Russian aggression. Thus, continuous Ukraine’s counteroffensive campaign and necessity to liberate other temporary occupied territories is accompanied by tremendous political shift in Ukraine – EU relations and prospective full-fledged opening of accession negotiations. However, it is all taking place simultaneously with number of challenges posed among others by domestic electoral campaign in US, necessity for the EU to acquire more visible and significant role in supporting Ukraine, keeping Union’s unity  and preventing  political manipulation regarding backing  Ukraine.

Consequently, close dialogue with Ukrainian civil society and experts can be a powerful instrument to harmonize EU supranational interests with Ukraine’s priorities and needs during Belgium’s presidency in the first half of 2024. This brief presents Ukraine’s experts recommendations to priorities for  Belgium’s  rotating presidency, in particular in political and security policy domains.