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15 May 2020

Observations of Public Attitudes in Donbas: Changes After the Elections in 2019, Emerging Risks amid the War and COVID-19 Pandemic

The new study of public attitudes in Donbas, conducted by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in January – March 2020 has several key objectives:

  • Identifying shifts in public opinion caused by policy changes that happened between May 2019 and March 2020.
  • Revealing risks and opportunities for the governmental policies toward Donbas.
  • Outlining possible political and security developments in Donbas in the nearest future.
  • Developing recommendations for the governmental and civil society agents of change working in Donbas in the near and short-term future.
  • Increasing government knowledge and public awareness about existing issues and emerging risks in Donbas.

This study is based on the results of the focus groups and regional public opinion poll.

This study is our last tribute to DIF long time Director and our dear friend Dr. Iryna Bekeshkina who passed away on March 20, 2020. Her energy was driving this study from early discussions in October 2019 till the end of poll in March 2020. Her academic honesty, sharp intelligence and industriousness guided and encouraged us as we completed the study and policy recommendations.

This report was prepared by financial assistance from the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Ukraine. The views expressed in this analytical report are those of the authors and may not coincide with the official position of the UK or Ukrainian governments.