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9 November 2017

Donbas: New Trends іn Public Opinion


Maria Zolkina

General changes in the public attitudes of Ukrainians in 2014-2017 are most significantly reflected at the regional level. It is precisely the internal regional dynamics of the qualitative and profound nature of changes in public opinion, which does not always become apparent according to nationwide and average indicators. For this reason, the Donbas as a region, which became the target of external aggression, deserves special attention from the vantage point of the transformation of societal sentiments regarding the key socio-political problems the region faces today.

For Ukrainian version, see:
Трансформації суспільних настроїв в умовах протидії агресії Росії на Донбасі: регіональний вимір

English-language version of the book is expected in early  2018