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13 June 2017

Attitudes of Ukrainians towards Russia and Russians: dynamics and main trends

Ruslan Kermach

One of the important dimensions of bilateral relations is the dynamics of attitudes of citizens of these countries towards one another. Clearly, one can speak about truly “healthy” inter-state relations only when a mutually positive or, at the very least, a neutral attitude is preserved at the level of public opinion in the respective countries.

The attitudes of Ukrainians to their northeastern neighbor and the attitudes of Russians towards Ukraine and Ukrainians have for quite some time been in the center of attention of sociologists of both countries. In particular, within the framework of the joint project of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) and the non-government research organization “Levada-Center” (Russia) a monitoring of public opinion was regularly conducted in both countries (Ukraine and Russia, respectively), which studied the attitudes of the population of Ukraine towards Russia and the population of Russia towards Ukraine


For Ukrainian version, see:
Трансформації суспільних настроїв в умовах протидії
агресії Росії на Донбасі: регіональний вимір

English-language version of the book is expected in early  2018